Long time

Well it has been a very long time since I last blogged. Scrappy and I have been a little busy with the house/barn. The house is starting to take shape and Scrappy can finally visualize it now which is to say she is getting a little excited too. We can't wait to finish and move out there.
Woke up this morning and it was raining, we really needed some it has been months since our last rain. All the new pasture grasses I planted back in the spring have died because of the lack of rain and 105 degree+ heat.

Went to South Carolina to see my youngest daughter graduate basic training this week, now I have two in the military, my oldest daughter lives in Oklahoma now so I have no more children in Texas but that's o.k. I'm very proud of them all and see them when I can. Got to see the grand kids while I was there also, they are growing like weeds it wont be long before I can put Matt on a tractor or horse by himself and Abby is a living doll.
Before I go any further I need to say how much I love my Scrappy and how much I missed her While I was gone "Rockin Chairs Baby".
Also "Hey Susan Look I'm posting".

Well to get back on track here are some pics of the house/barn that I took the other day

Remember when it looked like this?

Heres that same bedroom

Thats all for now

Rain Again

Well I just noticed that it was raining the last time I posted and its raining now alot of rain.
Scrappy and I have got the barn finished except for the overhead doors so we have started on the house portion of it.
Its going slow but the goal is to build it out of pocket so as not to have a mortgage when we are done. I got some of the framing in last weekend but still have alot more to do.
Here are a few pics. so far.
This is looking at the bedroom from the future hallway

Its really larger than it looks just ask Scrappy.Well on another note we went to Waxahachie last night and on the way home we saw this.

Now the pic doesn't really tell the story but the horse be hind the one in front is nothing but bones, we stopped and took this pic to show the Ellis county sheriff. Scrappy and i were trying to decide if these were rescue horses or not because they just showed up on this property a while back. But after watching for awhile I think they are just being abused there was no hay in the pen for them and it looked like someone either the owner or a concerned passerby threw a clump of oat hay over the fence to them. So today I'm calling the sheriff and let him take care of it.

Well gotta go have a great day


Well its the weekend again and the rain has been here for two days, not gonna gripe about the rain though we needed it very badly, but it sure doesn't help me on the barn.
Anyway am gonna try to get the roof finished this weekend if the wind cooperates.
This is what it looked like Wednesday evening when I went to feed.

Have a great weekend


Well it Friday the weekend is upon us and it looks great, gotta seed the front three acres tonight and go get the barn roof in the morning. Well the other day we gave one of our asses to a neighbor down the road so we have to take it to him tomorrow if we can get it in the trailer.
she has only been trailered twice, should be fun, ill get some pics if i can.
We are going to have a chickenfoot party Saturday night with the neighbors lots of food and fun, for those of you who don't know what chickenfoot is google it, its a great game.

Have a great weekend


Well couldn't work on the barn this weekend roof sheets didn't come in, so instead thought I would build an pasture rejuvenator to use at the farm.
This is what I came up with.

Looks mean doesn't it? Scrappy named it "Terminator". I only have one problem with it, I cant seem to get enough weight on to make it penetrate the black dirt we have.

Those blocks of concrete weigh about two hundred pounds each and it still wont punch all the way in. Guess I'm gonna have to wait for some rain.

but anyway they sell these things for around $800.00 so if I have to wait to use it that's fine it was cheap to build.

Not much to talk about tonight, im tired and going to bed.

Have a great week