Back to work

Well it was back to the office this week after a long week of working in the cold and wind. I did get alot accomplished last week and my muscles feel it.

I got all the wall metal on and Scrappy, the daughter and I started painting. Now painting is not at the top of my list of things I like to do but with Scrappy's back injury I will be doing all the painting from about five feet on to the top and that's alot of wall. I'm still waiting for the roof steel to come in I haven't figured out how I'm gonna put that stuff on by myself yet, but I will think of some way to do it.

The only real problem I had with the wall panels was the wind, where this barn is located there is a 100 acre field to the east and a very large pasture to the south and north so no wind blocks.

I would watch the weather in the morning and that would tell me what side of the barn I was going to be working on for the day. So I would cut a sheet drag it out to the wall that I wanted and lift it about half way the wind would do the rest, there were time i bet i could have put up a whole wall of sheets and never use a screw. Well anyway the walls are on just need the roof.

Here are some picks from last week.

That's Scrappy painting as high as she can reach which is about six feet. And the daughter is on the ladder at the other corner.

Can you imagine the two of us living in there, Its gonna be great!!!

Well that's all for now I'll leave you with a pic. that I took while having coffee the other morning, He was pissed because I wouldn't get up and feed him right "THEN"
Have a great week


  1. Hi Crittr,

    About the roof installation:

    How about a temporary or rented scaffold? Can you build one? Put it on skids and you can move it with the tractor or let Scrappy Doo pull it around.

    With a scaffold, you can pull the sheets of metal up with a rope and screw into place. Don't try this in the wind though, I did and the sheets fly away and then you have to drag them back... and then you have to remove the damage to them: bends, dents and holes, depending on how they flew/landed/crashed.

    I'm sure you've been there/done that: good luck.

    Garlic Man

  2. Oh Critter
    Garlic had this suggestion. Do you think he just wants us dead or to keep working on the barn until the rapture???

    Hi Scrappy,

    No more pork rinds? That's un-American... well at least un-Texican.

    I just posted a suggestion at Crittr's Place, "Little Farm in Italy", suggesting a scaffold and wouldn't you know it that after I posted it, I thought of a much safer way to put the roof on.

    It is something like this:

    Put the loader on the tractor and fill the loader with dirt.

    Dump the dirt against the walls of the barn on boths sides so it has support. Repeat this until you have buried the barn up to the top of the walls, leaving the bare roof frame exposed... Now the roof will be at ground level and easier to install!!!

    When the roof is complete, remove all the dirt. (You may have to do some paint touch-up ha ha ha ha).

    You may want to film this and put it on Youtube.

    Yours Truely,
    Garlic Man
