
Well went to dinner with Scrappy last night to a steak house in Hubbard and we started talking about raising beef at the farm and she told me that she would not be able to eat it after feeding and taking care of it for months. So I'm looking for feedback on this idea. There is nothing i would like more than having a freezer full of beef and pork.

I didn't get everything I needed to do done this weekend. I got the last of the wall pipe on and started moving dirt to build up the floor on the stall side of the barn. It is where my 60 year old tractor is sitting, I believe Scrappy has said on her site that we do not own any equipment that is less than 30 years old, but the old stuff last longer than the new junk you get today.

Have a great evening


  1. Hello,

    I found your blog from your wife's. I completely agree with you on the older stuff last longer. I have a 14 year old F350 truck and it runs GREAT! I love it. Great blog!

  2. I also wandered over from Scrappy's blog and I am putting my two cents in about the debate between raising your beef to eat or as pets. What if, there were 1 or 2 set aside as "shall never see a butcher shop" for Scrappy's care and the rest are brought in with the understanding that they are meant to nourish the family and bring income into the home? I would totally feel the same way about it, I'd have a hard time sticking my fork into little Angelface or Butterscotch (those are the names for my imaginary cows..)
    can't wait to see the progress on the looks awesome already!
